Neue AIO Version:
Downlaod V1.47
Infos, wie immer
Nur nutzen mit >= v55. Nicht nutzen mit V31/33!!!!!
Vor einem Werksreset bitte die Tweaks wieder deinstallieren!
Andernfalls kann ein permanenter Bootloop die Folge sein!
Wenn FW 56.00.51x installiert ist, dann gibt es keinen Zugriff per SSH mehr.
Es ist also ratsam vor Installation der Tweaks vorher den SSH bringback Tweak zu installieren
(und zu testen), damit Du bei Problemen noch auf das System zugreifen kannst.
1.47 - 2016-06-01
- Add Spanish/Mexican translation thanks to user epadillac from mazda3revolution board (thank you very much!)
- Add Slovak translation thanks to user sedrik7 from mazda3revolution board (thank you very much!)
- Add Turkish translation thanks to user volcano2k and mozsert from mazda3revolution board (thank you very much!)
- Add Frensh translation thanks to user salegosse from mazda3revolution board (thank you very much!)
- Update to Speedometer 4.2
added Slovak and Turkish language
added tachometer for engine speed
added second idle time if engine is running but car has no speed (opposite to iStop time)
changed trip distance to 20 meter accuracy (0.02 km)
added 'Speedometer_readme.txt' to root folder of AIO. Please read, if you have problems / questions wir speedometer, before asking!
- Fixed tweak for enabling WIFI for NA FW versions, should work now.
- Update of "Android Auto" Headunit App to V0.91b
- Fixed uninstaller for swap file. Too many entries have been deleted from
- Made some small changes to installer/uninstaller of speedo, AA and video player
- Small update of video player by vic_bam85
- Fixed language detection, should work now
- Fixed version detection for some tweaks (pause_on_mute, media order patch, speedcam-patch), because there are FW versions out there with same numbering:
e.g. 56.00.230A-EU and 56.00.230A-ADR, etc.
- Changed installer for speedcam-patch will now be modified directly, deleted original files too, because they are available als on MZD system - could save 185 MB of space!
Additional md5 check in order to prevent the problem of sometimes not working speedcam-patch after first installation (I hope it works)
FW 56.00.230A/240B/513C-ADR is now supported too (thanks @Modfreakz for updating JCI_NNG_Tool_CMD tool)
- Changed installer for SSH_bringback (version detection), will only be installed for .511A/512A/513B-EU versions, not .51xA-ADR (not shure, if it's compatible)
If someone with 56.00.51xA/513C-ADR version can confirm, that SSH_bringback worked with ADR version too, I will change that again.
- Waiting for speedcam-patch for 56.00.511A/512A-ADR (56.00.230A/240B/513C-ADR is already there)
- Waiting for media order patch / FLAC support for 56.00.401-JP, 56.00.230A/511A/512A (56.00.240B/513C-ADR is already there)
- Want some more translations? Look at \choose\lang\How_to_translate.txt if you want to help.