MZD dont work as NB1 with camera.
NB1 once detect camera dont forget it.
MZD need to know what camera is installed.
MZD looks for camera in start but if not video in camera input dont show it.
OEM camera only send video with reverse engage.
OEM camera Its on MSCAN but MZD is on HSCAN and Instrument Cluster is a bridge into MSCAN and HSCAN.
And this sentence i don`t understand....please, can you describe what you did to get that lines moving to the driving direction??!!
Okay, You used original RCBM, and not the Sportsline RCBM and "just" conneted one "more" cable to MS can?
The OEM Camera is normaly not Connectet to RCBM.
Is this right?
.. Willi, sehe nix